Friday, July 23, 2010

Week Three Debrief

Debriefing Week Three

1. What will you put in your own revision toolbox to help you with personal writing?
• Idea note cards
• Revision ideas
• A permission note to myself to throw away a piece of writing if it’s not working!
• Snapshot, thoughtshot, explode the moment, shrink the century notes and examples to trigger my memory.
• List of helpful web sites to go to when I’m in need of inspiration or a connection with other writers.

2. List two new learnings about rubrics.
• New web sites to guide me through different ideas.
• Co-creating my rubrics with my students for more ownership in their own learning.

• 3. At the end of next week I hope to leave with information about…..
• When the Advanced Summer Institute and the Writing Retreat are so that I can plan for them.
• Learning how soon I can register for the Writing Conference in Spokane
• How to start a writing group outside of school

4. The more important things about Week Three were...
• Getting my presentation done
• Learning about Writing Test Writing and “test wiseness”
• That I can write about those little details in life that I never thought that deeply about before – my grandmother’s roasting oven, my mom’s little childhood table and chairs, finding out where stories come from.

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