Sunday, July 11, 2010

Saturday book sale!

Hey - Just a quick note before I head back home (I'm in Colville at the Cafe 103 - no idea why it's name this but they have WiFi, which I have come to greatly appreciate in the last week - and a great Bacon Caesar salad) to gather Ewi and Sophie for a sweet, and well-deserved nap!

Yesterday, I met my mom at the Colville Public Library book sale and we chatted in line for 30 minutes before "they" opened the basement doors at 10. While we were waiting, I showed mom my "I Am From..." poem, although it's not finished yet. She and i both had tears in our eyes because of the shared memories that flood back w/the mention of just a few common words. Thanks, Mom!!!

We both agreed that we really didn't "need" any books but it's always fun to just look. Once inside, we took that bags that were kindly offered, and within seconds I found Steven King's "On Writing," for a quarter!!! Score!!! (He has some great info in his book, including a book list of some of his reading during hte period of time that he wrote this book! King says his Prime Rule is "Write a lot and read a lot." Guess I'll have to do more of that as time goes on!) Mom ended up with just a few books, and I ended up w/two bags full of books and classic videos! One woman commented that she wouldn't buy a particular Louis La'More (sp) because it had been read too many times and she was germ-a-phobic!!! That's a first - hadn't heard of that kind of reason to not buy a book! Actually, I think that's part of the charm of going to this sale - well-loved books being sold for a song!

More later.


  1. Whoa! you found his book for a quarter? If you run across another cheap copy, pick one up for me :) I'm looking for one...

    so cool that you were able to share your poem and this day with your mom. precious.

  2. Now we will be elbowing each other through those "cramped quarters" next time around at the Colville library! I found some great biographies when I went to the last sale.
